Excellence in retail real estate
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Unrivaled Retail Experience & Expertise
Establishing a Competitive Edge
The Providence Group is a highly-focused and client-driven boutique retail brokerage firm. We are committed to creating a competitive edge for customers through in-depth knowledge and decades of experience in key local markets. We bring deep relationships with area developers and deliver decades of expertise guiding retailers’ expansion strategies including national brands, regional chains and local merchants.
Cornerstone Strategies for Retail Shifts
A Strong Foundation
The Providence Group has earned a reputation as a collaborative team that contributes invaluable knowledge, experience and resources to our clients simply by concentrating on what we do well. Today, we specialize in site selection, sales and leasing, disposition services, property management and development services throughout the Carolinas. We conceive and execute the best strategies for retail assets that allow owners to adapt to market conditions with a tenant mix that appeals to consumer preferences and maximizes value.
The Providence Group builds lasting relationships with clients who value the attention and results that our team produces. Since our start in 2000, we have completed thousands of transactions around the Southeast.
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Charlotte, NC 28203